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Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Since September 11, 2001, the United States government has been making efforts to minimize the risk of terrorist attacks using Radioactive…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
In recent work, we have developed the theory of using the first three auto or joint central moments of the currents of up to three fission…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The nuclear nonproliferation regime has been guided by the Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) and guarded by the International Atomic Energy…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
There are several concerns with the current widespread use of high-activity 241Am-Be (a,n) neutron sources in the oil and gas well-logging…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Medium-resolution gamma-ray spectrometer detectors such as the LaBr3 and CZT detectors present a more practical and less expensive…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Production of Pu for use in radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) which provide power for instruments on deep space missions is…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) ships a wide variety of radioisotopes. Many of these can be shipped as Type A; however, some higher…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
At the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (EC-JRC), Directorate G (Nuclear Safety and Security), Unit G.2 (Standards for…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Of the 1100+ incidents related to the acquisition, possession, threat and use of weapons of mass destruction by sub-state actors catalogued…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
In recent decades, the global nuclear export market has observed a marked shift of demand from the traditional customers in the Western…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
To protect against threats to a nuclear or related facility or transportation, it is necessary to gain an understanding of what threats…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Packaging and Transportation, Office of Environmental Management, sponsors an annual training…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Several nuclear archaeology techniques have been proposed to determine historic plutonium production indedicated production reactors. Some…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The Indian sub-continent is a reluctant nuclear power with its culture steeped in Gandhian non- violence. It shares borders with China and…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
A recent project at the Nuclear Security Science and Policy Institute (NSSPI) at Texas A&MUniversity is focused on developing a…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Virtual environments have been successfully used to support a variety of applications relevant to nuclear safeguards, safety, and security…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The NMCA training modernization for LANMAS is a component that was developed to allow the student to understand the lessons using various…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The Nuclear Material Management & Storage (NMM&S) program at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) have the responsibility for…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The pace of fuel cycle research with plutonium materials worldwide has decreased significantlyover the last two decades resulting in excess…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
States provide nuclear material accounting information to the IAEA Department of Safeguards in fulfillment of their international…