The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Packaging and Transportation, Office of Environmental Management, sponsors an annual training course on transport security for nuclear and other radioactive materials at Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL. The course has been designed by Argonne staff for DOE and its contractors and other domestic and international agency and industry personnel who are responsible for ensuring the security of nuclear and other radioactive materials during transport within the United States and around the world. The purpose of the course is to help participants understand (1) international and U.S.-domestic requirements for security during the transport of nuclear and other radioactive materials by all modes of transport and (2) the methodologies that can be used to satisfy those requirements. Course content is broad and comprehensive, covering, for example, international and U.S. domestic transport security requirements, recommendations, and guidance from international entities and U.S. governmental organizations; a graded approach to developing transport security systems; communication with the public during emergencies; and development of transport security plans (TSPs) that satisfy regulatory security requirements, among others. Course activities include lectures and discussions, in-class exercises and homework, tabletop and field exercises, facility tours, and a final exam. Participants who successfully complete the course and pass the exam are eligible for graduate-level college credit at the University of Nevada, Reno. Faculty includes experts from the international community, federal and state agencies, national laboratories, academia, and industry.