Fifty Years of INMM

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Yvonne Ferris - U.S. Department of Energy
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What a privilege and honor to be asked tocontribute to the Journal of NuclearMaterials Management. I have been amember of INMM since 1972, whichmakes me a newcomer by many standards,but nevertheless I have seen the Institutegrow in national and international stature,in membership, in technical papers toinclude content and number of papers, inoutreach programs, and in general nuclearmaterials management influence.What amazes and delights me themost are the new and exciting directionsthe INMM has taken. One direction thatparticularly pleases me is the increasedparticipation of women in the INMM.One reason for this growth is, of course,more women are in the work force nowthan there were fifty years ago. Anotherreason is more women are choosingcareers in science, engineering, mathematics,accounting, and other disciplines pertinentto nuclear materials control thanthere were fifty years ago. The INMM canbe proud of its early realization that thisnew stratum of “woman power” could andshould be tapped and incorporated intothe Institute. Women are now contributingin all phases of the workings of theINMM. They’re officers, ExecutiveCommittee members, standing and adhoc committee chairs, and all manner ofresponsibility. Their involvement is alsofelt in INMM’s many chapters. Their talentsand contributions have been and continueto be vital to the excellentmanagement and growth of the INMM.
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