Cosmic-ray Muon Imaging of Spent Nuclear Fuel in Dry Storage Casks

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J. Matthew Durham - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Elena Guardincerri - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Christopher L. Morris - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Daniel Poulson - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Jeffrey D. Bacon - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Joseph Fabritius - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Shelby Fellows - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Kenie Plaud-Ramos - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Deborah Morley - Los Alamos National Laboratory
David L. Chichester - Idaho National Laboratory
Philip Winston - Idaho National Laboratory
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Cosmic-ray muon radiography has been used to identify the absence of spent nuclear fuel bundles inside a sealed dry storage cask. The large amounts of shielding that dry storage casks use to contain radiation from the highly radioactive contents impedes typical imaging methods, but the penetrating nature of cosmic-ray muons allows them to be used as an effective radiographic probe. This technique was able to successfully identify missing fuel bundles inside a sealed Westinghouse MC-10 cask. This method of fuel cask verification may prove useful for international nuclear safeguards inspectors. Muon radiography may find other safety and security or safeguards applications, such as arms control verification.
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