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In mid-January 2016, about 100 nuclear industry professionals met in Washington, D.C., USA, for the 31st Annual Spent Fuel Management Seminar, sponsored by the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM), in partnership with the U.S. Nuclear Infrastructure Council (NIC). Participants and presenters included representatives from Japan, Korea, Spain, Sweden, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), U.S. national laboratories, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), utilities, cask vendors, consultants, and more. As always, the conference included a number of relevant presentations on a wide variety of topics related to spent fuel management, with consent-based siting for storage and disposal facilities, interim consolidated storage, the transportation of radioactive waste, and national spent fuel management programs being a few of the main focus areas. A few of the presentations on these topics are highlighted below.
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