Report of the 49th INMM Annual Meeting: Its Music to Our Ears

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Charles Pietri - HITECH Consultants
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The Music City—Nashville, TennesseeUSA. It lived up to its reputation onceagain, but in more ways than you canimagine. For the second time, the INMMAnnual Meeting was held at the NashvilleConvention Center and RenaissanceHotel in downtown Nashville July 13–17,2008, and it was music to our ears. Thiswas one of the best productions INMMhas put on in many years especially withall the extra effort and activity stemmingfrom the beginning celebrations for theINMM 50th Anniversary. INMM isindebted to all those who made this meetingsuch a success. Reports from almosteveryone at the meeting gave rave reviewsfor the content of the papers presented,the topical subjects of interest, the organizationand management of the presentations,the number of attendees, theplenary speakers, the performance of ourstudents, and most of all the enthusiasmof the participants.
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