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This paper describes recent developments under an initiative begun in 2014 to improve the measurement of performance by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Department of Safeguards. The approach taken and progress made over the past year to further develop the performance management support tool and the more recent work to pilot test selected performance indicators are described. Ultimately, the performance management tool should enable the Department to (a) monitor, evaluate, and report on the achievement of its strategic and operational objectives, and (b) improve its performance on a continual basis. The performance management tool will be aligned with related results-based management processes in the Department and the IAEA as a whole, such as strategic planning, programming, and budgeting and reporting, and will be integrated with existing and planned management systems. (This paper provides an update to a paper delivered by Van Zyl de Villiers at the 2014 IAEA Symposium on International Safeguards, which described the early activities and plans of the Departmental working group that was established for this initiative.)
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