Implementing the State-level Approach: Moving Forward

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James A. Casterton - Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
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Recently there have been worldwide phenomena of “nuclear renaissance,”a global trend in expansion of or embarking on nuclearpower generation, in view of attaining sustainable development,assuring energy security, and reducing CO2 emissions. However,another major accident would ruin this nuclear renaissance and,therefore, there are governance implications worldwide. Theintroduction of nuclear power requires careful planning andimplementation with a sustainable infrastructure to ensure thatnuclear energy is used in a safe and secure manner, withoutdiversion, throughout all the stages of its life cycle. The importanceof safeguards, nuclear safety, and nuclear security, or “3S”is also fully noted in the Leaders Declaration at 2008 G8Hokkaido Toyako Summit and the International Atomic EnergyAgency (IAEA) has been promoting the 3S concept, recognizingthe important interface among them and trying to maximizetheir synergy effects. Against this background, an internationalinitiative proposed by Japan on 3S-based nuclear energy infrastructurehas been launched. Based on its good record and substantialexperience in 3Ss, Japan has been assisting developingand other countries in establishing the required infrastructure toassure 3S. This paper summarizes the efforts in this area anddescribes the future prospect.
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