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The Geospatial Exploitation System (GES) is an enterprise-wide system used to analyse satellite imagery, geospatial information and associated assets for staff within the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Department of Safeguards. The GES has been deployed in the Departments isolated secure Integrated Safeguards Environment and is able to store, manage, process and securely serve geospatial data to users across the Department. The GES demonstrates the benefits of commercial off-the-shelf software integration that extends safeguards (SG) specific processes while retaining the strengths, and in cases enhances the use, of each software package while maintaining a cohesive look and feel to the interface. By employing service oriented architecture, the system is able to share and consume valuable information from disparate applications and sources from across the Department. This paper describes the last four years of effort to deploy the GES by describing the system components, applied workflows, the system IT environment and the benefits realized since deployment to users.
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