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The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Department of Safeguards cooperates with state and regional authorities responsible for safeguards implementation (SRAs) to implement safeguards. (While the acronym SRA applies to both state and regional authorities responsible for safeguards implementation, most of the cases reviewed in this paper apply to state authorities. The more generic term will still be used, however, unless the reference is to a state-specific issue.) Such cooperation is an obligation of the IAEA and the state pursuant to a comprehensive safeguards agreement (CSA). Cooperation is important in all aspects of carrying out safeguards, e.g., reporting nuclear material inventories, conducting verification activities in the field, responding to requests and notifications, and consulting on modifications to a safeguards approach. Concluding an additional protocol extends such cooperation to other activities, such as preparing and submitting declarations, and facilitating complementary access.
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