21st Century: Towa rd the Nuclear-Weapons-Free World

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S. Tukhvatulin - National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan
M. Mukusheva - National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan
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“The twentieth century. It was a time when humanity fi rs t disturbed the eternal rest of atom, and the atom bit back, showing that it was stronger than scientific imagination. “Its awakened power proved that the atom was not merely an object to satisfy human curiosity in a part of the world, but that it was something greater. That it was above the world and not of it, that people did not determine its fate, but, on the contrary, the fate of humanity lay in the atom’s i n finite energy. “ People learned to control nuclear energy, but they did not learn to control themselves. They lost trust in people and developed trust in nuclear power.” From of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Epicenter of Peace by N. Nazarbayev, the president
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