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The University of Georgia (UGA) is a major research university that consistently ranks among the top twenty U.S. public universities in the annual close to 35,000 students, along with entrance requirements that make it one of the most competitive public universities in America. Observes one of the South’s largest public universities has become enormously competitive, able to pick and choose among the region’s best high school seniors and demanding test scores that would have been unimaginably high just a decade ago.” to Colleges fastest rising public university in the country. UGA has turned into a highly selective flagship university. The average SAT and grade point average for entering freshmen have soared, and the university has moved aggressively to provide programs to challenge its new and brainier students.” Nonproliferation and security studies represent one arena in which we challenge this gifted cohort of students. UGA is one of the few schools in the country to offer courses and specialized training in these matters. In particular, the Center for International Trade and Security (CITS), aims to prepare students for careers in nonproliferation and international security. We offer more than just coursework or internships. The university and the center educate graduate and undergraduate students through courses and seminars, then put them to work conducting research and outreach projects. And finally, we help them launch careers working with these issues — sustaining the education and training effort beyond graduation day. U.S. News and World Report rankings. It hasThe New York Times, “Seemingly overnight,The Fiske Guidenotes, “The University of Georgia is arguably the
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