Toward Effective and Efficient IAEA Safeguards: Review of Collaborations Between Japan and the Agency

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Kaoru Naito - Nuclear Material Control Center
Nobuhiro Muroya - Ministry of Education
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Japan, firmly committed to nuclear nonproliferation, ratified theNuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) in 1976, and placed herselfunder obligation, as a non-nuclear weapons state, not to produceor acquire nuclear weapons. Recognizing the important roleof the NPT and associated IAEA (International Atomic EnergyAgency) safeguards in achieving nonproliferation, Japan has beenupholding the NPT regime and exerting her efforts in realizingefficient and effective IAEA safeguards. This paper outlines thenonproliferation policy of Japan and reviews the historical development,the current situation and the future direction of collaborationsbetween Japan and the agency toward the establishmentof effective and efficient IAEA safeguards system.
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