A Summary of the Closing Plenary Session of the

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Amy Whitworth - National Nuclear Security Administration
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In planning this year’s Closing Plenary program, the GovernmentIndustry Liaison Committee discussed speakers and potentialtopics that would be timely and provide additional informationon key topics of high interest to the nuclear materials managementcommunity. The Global Nuclear Energy Partnership(GNEP) and World Institute of Nuclear Security (WINS) are twotopics that clearly fall into the category of high interest. GNEP isof paramount interest to the community with its comprehensivestrategy to increase U.S. and global energy security, reduce therisk of nuclear nonproliferation, encourage clean developmentaround the world, and improve the environment. WINS is alsoattracting significant attention within the community with itsefforts to bring the international community together tostrengthen security of nuclear materials by the global sharing ofbest practices.
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