The INMMs First Twenty-Five Years

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John L Jaech
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Having jettisoned my INMM journals and proceedings whilemaking eight moves in the twenty-five years since my 1982-1983term as INMM president, I necessarily relied primarily on mylong-term memory in preparing these remarks. My perspective isrestricted to the first half of the organization’s fifty year history—the era in which I was most active as a contributing member.The INMM as an organization was preceded by an AECsponsored annual conference on the accountability of nuclearmaterials. The attendees were accountability specialists from governmentfacilities, which were managed by private companies ascontractors, and their government counterparts. I worked forGeneral Electric (GE) at Hanford at the time and attended theconferences of 1955 and 1957, giving presentations of a statisticalnature at each. Oddly, what I recall most clearly about the1955 meeting is that one of the Hanford AEC attendees managedto stay in a downtown Washington hotel for $6 a night.
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