Safeguards Technical History: Celebrating Forty Years of Safeguards at LANL

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Howard Menlove - Los Alamos National Laboratory
T.D. Reilly - Los Alamos National Laboratory
H.S. Lee - Los Alamos National Laboratory
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For forty years, Los Alamos National Laboratory’s (LANL’s)safeguards technology has grown and matured. This technologyhistory parallels, in many ways, the corresponding growth in theimportance of safeguards and the changing nature of safeguardschallenges—both nationally and internationally. Many paperswere published in the past forty years to document and shareour research and development findings with the safeguardscommunity. A handful of references are provided here(References 1–5) as keys to unlock the rich technical history ofsafeguards at LANL for interested readers. This paper presents,instead, a brief historical perspective of the past forty years ofLANL’s safeguards technology—mostly through pictures andthrough personal recollections.
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