The Global Nuclear Energy PartnershipA Challenge and Opportunity for Nonproliferation and International Security

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M.C. Miller - Los Alamos National Laboratory
F. J. Goldner - Los Alamos National Laboratory
M. W. Goodman - Los Alamos National Laboratory
James Sprinkle - Los Alamos National Laboratory
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One of the cornerstones of the Global Nuclear EnergyPartnership (GNEP) program is enhanced nonproliferation andsafeguards to facilitate the safe and secure global expansion ofnuclear energy. To this end, GNEP proposes developing andimplementing advanced safeguards into new fuel cycle processingand reactor facilities, and setting up an assured fuel servicesframework, including spent fuel takeback, to limit the spread ofenrichment and reprocessing technology. The mission of theSafeguards Campaign is to perform the research and technologydevelopment required to achieve this GNEP vision of advancedsafeguards. Key areas of investigation include a) advanced instrumentation(nondestructive and destructive), b) use of processmonitoring for safeguards, c) fully integrated, real-time knowledgeof facility
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