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As the world enters a revival in the use and development ofnuclear energy, new partners in this field may contribute not onlyto its advancement but also, inadvertently or not, to the risk of agrowing global nuclear threat. Increased global use of nuclearenergy could open new avenues for the illicit production, acquisition,and use of nuclear materials by states and groups who haveheretofore not had this capability. To counter the specter ofnuclear terrorism, we must seek to educate a new cadre of individualsin both the policy as well as the science of nuclear safeguards.As part of the Fortieth Anniversary SafeguardsSymposium, held in July 2007 at Los Alamos NationalLaboratory, a panel of safeguards practitioners from various subdisciplinesreflected upon the challenges germane to the future ofnuclear safeguards education and training. This paper summarizesthe ideas put forth in that discussion.
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