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We all encountered some challenges at this year’s annual meeting and also in the process leading up to its unveiling at the Renaissance Resort Hotel in Orlando, Florida, July 18 to 22, 2004. First, after six years as INMM’s administrative director, then executive director, Rachel Airth resigned as of April 1 (no April Fools’ joke, either!) right in the middle of the Technical Program preparation, to do gardening and perhaps pursue some further educational opportunities. However, John Waxman, president of the Sherwood Group, the firm that provides management services for INMM, stepped right in with a most suitable replacement, Leah McCrackin. We worried for a short while how this would impact the annual meeting but the transition was seamless and transparent. With Airth’s tutoring and some exposure to the idiosyncrasies of the Technical Program Committee and its activities in the prior month, McCrackin picked up the lead most successfully. Many of you may not be interested in these details but only in the end result— an informative and successful annual meeting. I provide this information because major credit for the annual meeting outcome must be given to our INMM headquarters staff, which diligently works behind the scenes to make it a success. They even enjoy it!
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