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The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Materials Inventory and Technology Development (SO-20.3) continues to support the improvement and standardization of nuclear materials accounting through the funding and program management of the Local Area Nuclear Material Accountability Software (LANMAS). The Westinghouse Savannah River Company (WSRC) serves as the lead developer. LANMAS conforms to the application and technology layers identified by DOE’s Enterprise Architecture via the use of commercial off-the-shelf computer systems and Microsoft computer operating systems. LANMAS is a network-based nuclear materials accounting software product. In addition to meeting routine site nuclear material accounting needs, over the past year, several of the LANMAS sites requested that LANMAS functionality be expanded to assist with ongoing site closure activities, including the processing, disposition, and long-term storage of nuclear material in waste. More recently, SO-20.3 and WSRC LANMAS representatives are exploring how LANMAS capabilities and available commercial tool sets can be utilized to develop and maintain an independent store of timely and detailed nuclear material inventory information. This paper discusses current LANMAS capabilities, proposed new functionality, and how LANMAS supports the DOE’s e-Government initiative for nuclear materials accountability. These activities ensure that LANMAS continues to remain a robust and viable software product with enhanced capabilities to support the DOE’s various program needs.
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