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Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Many recent nonproliferation and arms control software projects include a software authentication regime. These include U.S. Government-…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
While methodologies for assessing proliferation risk (or resistance) have advanced significantly over the past decade, current…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Experiments have been conducted to investigate the contamination that remains on the exterior surfaces of vehicles after exposure to or…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Communities of practitioners (CoPs) form spontaneously and informally out of the need for interaction among professional peers. Communities…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Nucsafe is conducting tests to ascertain the survivability of its lithium silicate fiber-based radiation detectors in combat conditions. A…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The U.S.-Russian cooperation on Materials Protection, Control and Accounting (MPC&A) systems upgrades started in 1993. It is currently…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The Electrochemical Plant (ECP), or the Krasnoyarsk-45 (K-45) site, is a nuclear weapons material processing facility in the Krasnoyarsk…
System Level Testing of the Data Collection and Evaluation System at the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant (RRP) poses a challenge to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) because of the form and quantity…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
As work begins on the design of the Next Generation Attribute Measurement System (NG-AMS), we need to consider reliability of the system.…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
This paper evaluates the feasibility of using a high resolution gamma ray spectrometer to detect the presence of weapons grade plutonium…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Radiation detectors for neutron measurements typically include neutron thermalization and capture as primary mechanisms for detection. On…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Safeguards and Security Mission is “To contribute, in partnership with others, to the Nation’s security by…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Regulations governing the transport of radioactive materials require that most hypothetical accident condition tests and analyses consider…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The joint statement issued by President George Bush and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in July, 2005 states, among other things, that…
INMM does not go out of its way to make or break records for the Annual Meeting— we just try to provide the most professional forum we…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The 9977 General Purpose Fissile Package (GPFP) is a robust, single containment package, capable of transporting Plutonium and Uranium…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Nucleco SpA is responsible for the management of radioactive waste produced in Italy by industrial research and medical processes. Nucleco…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Five 252Cf sources have been cross calibrated to a sixth which had recently been absolutely calibrated at NIST. The inter-comparisons were…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
As part of the cooperative US-Russian program to upgrade MPC&A systems, equipment, and operations at Russian nuclear facilities, a…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
For regulatory pool fire testing, 10CFR71.73 permits a range of initial package temperatures based on the ambient conditions at the time of…