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Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Joseph F. Pilat, Kory Budlong Sylvester, Clemens Listner, Chantell L. Murphy
The IAEA’s Department of Safeguards h as embarked on an evolutionary process to more fully develop and apply…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Irmgard Niemeyer, Clemens Listner, Gotthard Stein, Chantell L. Murphy, Arnold Rezniczek, Morton J. Canty
Since therst ideas for supervising nuclear material, the verication system has evolved constantly. After having hadrst experiences with…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):R. Venkataraman, T. Burr, Stephen Croft, J . M. Kirkpatrick, K.D. Jarman
The standard approach to uncertainty propagation used by the no ndestructive assay community in the case of analytical measurement models…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Kevin Whattam, Zoe Gastelum, N.O. Cramer, K. Conklin
As the global community becomes more reliant on interconnected tools, processes, and systems, they simultaneously become more vulnerable…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Dunbar Lockwood, J. Stephen Adams, Ph.D., Mark W. Goodman, PhD.
The safeguards system of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) faces a number of serious challenges, especially with regard to…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Armin Lagumdzija, Monika Kinker
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BOH) is a non-nuclear country located in Southeastern Europe with a population of approximately 3.8 million people…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Zs. Stefánka, Á. Vincze, J. Sáfár, K. Horváth
The new national regulatory framework for nuclear security in Hungary is based on the CPPNM and its Amendment. The basic principles and…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):S. D. Clarke, S. A. Pozzi, B. Wieger, Andreas Enqvist, P. Talou, I. Stetcu, S. Ward, E.W. Larsen
Experiments and simulations of correlated , prompt neutron and gamma rays emissions from fission are being investigated as the search for…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):S. A. Pozzi, S. A. Pozzi, S.D. Clarke, S.D. Clarke, E. W. Larsen, E. W. Larsen, M. Flaska, M. Flaska, A. Enqvist, A. Enqvist, B. Wieger, B. Wieger, M. J. Marcath, M. J. Marcath, S. Ward, S. Ward, R. Vogt, J. Randrup, P. Talou, T. Kawano, T. Kawano, I. Stetcu, E. Padovani, E. Padovani
Experiments and simulations of correlated, prompt neutron and gamma rays emissions from fission are being investigated as the search for…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Jeemin Ha, Man-Sung Yim, Hyeon Seok Park, Sung Yoon Park
One of the ways to address the concern of nuclear proliferation over civilian nuclear power development is enhancing nuclear transparency.…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Bryan L. Fearey, Alicia L. Swift
Almost since the use of two atomic bombs in Japan at the end of World War II in the 1940s, there has been a push for the elimination of…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):T. Burr, T. Burr, A. Hoover, A. Hoover, M. Rabin, Stephen Croft
High purity germanium currently provides the highest readily available resolution gamma detection for a broad range of radiation…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Sandro Zero, Sandro Zero
I don’t intend to represent here the nuclear industry, but for sure I represent one of the major n uclear c ompanies, AREVA. No need to…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Dingkang Zhang, Farzad Rahnema
The incident flux response expansion (iFLEX) method is an accurate and efficient tool to compute detector pulse height responses on-the-…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Ho-Dong Kim, Se-Hwan Park, Hee Seo, Seung Kyu Lee, Byung Hee Won
Quantifying the plutonium contents in spent nuclear fuels or recovered U or U/TRU products is necessary in safeguards. The x-ray…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):John M. Scaglione, Kaushik Banerjee
Utilities are currently meeting their interim storage needs on an individual basis using largecapacity dry storage cask systems. These cask…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Jennifer L. Ladd - Lively
The objective of this work wa s to determine the feasibility of using on - line multivariate statistical process control (MSPC) for…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Lindsay T. Sexton, Daniel Radford, Timothy Riley, Matthew Wellons, Jessica White - Horton, Paula Cable - Dunlap
Researchers at Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have been developing a tamper resistant/…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Jessica N. Paul, Michael R. Chin, Ce Yi
The Mobile Pit Verification System (MPVS) was designed as a “drive by” passive radiation detection system intended to enable a…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Joseph Rivers, Larry Harris, Rebecca Stone
As part of the 2007 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Authorization Bill, the Congress directed the DHS to establish the Chemical…