Exact Propagation of Variance and Confidence Interval Calculations

R. Venkataraman - Canberra Industries Inc.
T. Burr - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Stephen Croft - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
J . M. Kirkpatrick - Canberra Industries, Inc
K.D. Jarman - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
The standard approach to uncertainty propagation used by the no ndestructive assay community in the case of analytical measurement models is commonly referred to as p ropagation of variance (PoV). It is based on the first - order Taylor expansion of the measurement model function . It is routinely applied without quantifying the quality of the approximation. Thi s is understandable because popular textbooks used to teach measurement uncertainty for the physical sciences often also ignore th e issue of approximation quality . The purpose of this paper is to show the nature of the first - order Taylor approximation in the case of a measurand with quadratic dependence on a single observed predictor variate drawn from a Normal distribution. We show how the average value and the most probable values computed by the standard PoV method are shifted compared to the exact cal culation , and how the variance estimate is also change d.