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The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Transport Safety Regulations (TS-R-1) require, amongst other, compliance with the standard thermal test for packages designed to contain 0.1 kg or more of uranium hexafluoride (UF6). This compliance with TS-R-1 requires H(M) or H(U) approvals for packages involved. The H(U) approvals are currently based on the use of thermal protectors on large UF6 cylinders (mainly 48Y). The thermal protectors most in use are the so-called Blanket Thermal Protector (BTP) and the Composite Thermal Protector (CTP). The use of BTPs and CTPs started in early 2005 and more than 4 years of experience is available now. The paper will review this experience. Following the development and approval of the BTP/CTP, further work on the computer modelling and analysis used in the approval process has been started, in order to improve the precision of the thermal case. With more refinement in the calculations and additional support of physical testing a demonstration for thermal compliance without additional thermal protectors on standard UF6 cylinders shall be considered. The paper will report on the status of this work.