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On May 13, 1996 the US-Department of Energy issued a Record of Decision on a “Nuclear-Weapons Non-proliferation Policy concerning Foreign Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel (FRR SNF)”. The goal of the long-term policy is to recover enriched uranium exported from the United States by May 12, 2009. Within this program NCS is one of the companies who arranges the complete service which includes cask rental, cask loading, shipment by road, rail, sea or air to make the program successful. NCS was involved in the management of the shipments from Europe, South America, Australia and Japan. Each shipment has proven to be unique in some aspect and the lessons learned from each of these shipments have been incorporated to make future shipment go more smoothly. The purpose of this presentation is to show you the possibilities NCS has to offer in order to ensure that these transport operations can then be carried out with successful results.