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This paper describes the innovative TN-FSV Cask design, and explains the simple modifications made to its Configuration 1 in order to accomplish new missions under its Configuration 2. The TNFSV Package Configuration 1 was approved in May 1999, and was designed to transport the fuel from the Fort St. Vrain (FSV) High Temperature Gas Reactor (HTGR). Configuration 2 refers to a design now developed, which mainly consists of a new container that fits into the TN-FSV Cask. The Configuration 2 packaging is for shipping the spent fuel currently stored at Oak Ridge. This spent fuel has come from various types of reactors, and has been sectioned and stored in stainless steel canisters. The new design provides several configurations for transporting the canisters. License approval for Configuration 2 is expected in September of this year, and the shipment of the SNF from Oak Ridge expected in 2002.