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Every year in Russia, a large amount of domestic and international transportation of fresh nuclear fuel (FNF) used in Russian and foreign energy and research atomic reactors and referred to fissile materials based on IAEA Regulations is performed. Here, bulk transportation is performed by air, and it concerns international transportation in particular. According to national \"Main Regulations for Safe Transport and physical Protection of Nuclear Materials (OPBZ- 83)” and \"Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials\" of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA Regulations), nuclear and radiation security under normal (accident free) and accident conditions of transport must be completely provided by the package design. In this context, high requirements to fissile packages exposed to heat and mechanical loads in transport accidents are imposed. With this in mind, existing packages used to transport fissile materials (FM) are sophisticated designs that comprise systems and elements of protection, localization, containment, and shock absorption, designed to prevent nuclear and radiation danger while conveying packages in the main hypothetically probable accidents of vehicles. It is no mere chance, that according to Russian and International Classification fissile packages are categorized as nuclear structures.