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In Germany, transports of security classes I and II (SC I, II) are authorised and carried out, based on the national Physical Protection Regulations, which are stricter than the IAEO-INFCIRC Regulations. These types of transports require the use of a heavily armoured vehicle. In April 1982, Nuclear Cargo and Service (NCS) started operating their first Security Truck (SIFA 1). This consists of an armoured truck tractor and an armoured semi-trailer. The physical protection layout is based on the German Security Measures Catalogue 1977 (SMK 77). SIFA 1 is designed for the transport of nuclear materials of all kinds and in all forms, without integrating transport packages into the security concept. In 1997, the NCS management decided to build a second SIFA (SIFA 2), the design of which was to be based on the new German “Regulatory Guide for Physical Protection of Radioactive Materials against Sabotage, Theft or Diversion during Transport”, 1991 (SEWD-Guide). This paper presents all the required steps, from the choice of the concept up to the actual carrying out of transports.