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In the framework of the removal of all fissile and non-fissile material out of the spent fuel ponds of Doel power plant, a solution was needed for evacuating and storing all used fuel elements from Doel 1&2 storage pool, including Defective Fuel Assemblies (DFA) and Defective Fuel Rods (DFR). Synatom, in charge of all nuclear fuel cycle related activities for the commercial nuclear power plants of Belgium, and Engie Electrabel, the operator of the Doel and Tihange power plants, had to find an industrial solution for emptying Doel 1&2 used fuel pool and loading DFR in dry storage casks.Synatom has then thoroughly reviewed the possible options for implementing dry storage of DFR. Synatom selected AREVA technology. The approach consists in encapsulating each DFR by drying the fuel rod and welding the capsule, assembling the capsules in a “capsule canister” (some sort of skeleton with geometrical dimensions similar to fuel assembly’s) and transferring it along with intact fuel assemblies in an associated dry transport and storage (dual purpose) cask, as already used for interim storage of spent fuel at Doel site.The French as well as the Belgian competent authorities are parties to the licensing process project. The purpose of the paper is to present the on-going industrial project related to dry storage of dried and encapsulated DFR - along with intact used fuel in dual purpose casks - at Doel 1&2 in Belgium, its challenges and progress. The paper presents:why the drying method, welded capsule and associated cask is the best available technology;then a focus on proven and successful fuel assembly repair operations performed in 2015 which consist in extraction of four DFR from their original fuel assembly, which is the initial step before encapsulation operation;in conclusion, an update of Doel 1&2 DFR dry storage project: the schedule, major qualifications, major licensing milestones and overview of the project perspectives.