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Since 1957 the International AtomicEnergy Agency (IAEA) has worked tobring the benefits of nuclear technology tohumankind, while at the same time minimizingits risks. Over the last fifty yearsthe world has seen a steady growth in theapplication of nuclear technology thatnow spans from the generation of electricityto applications in food security,resource conservation, environmental protection,human health, and more. We havealso witnessed nuclear accidents, threats tothe peaceful use of nuclear technology, andthe emergence of clandestine nuclear procurementnetworks. Throughout this timethe role of the IAEA has been, and remains,a fundamental component of the nuclearnonproliferation regime. The IAEA, andsafeguards, have advanced tremendouslyand must continue to do so in order toaddress future changes and challenges.Although it might not be possible to predictthem all with full certainty, there aresome that can indeed be anticipated.
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