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A series of tests was carried out to determine the threshold fordeflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT), structural loading,and structural response of the U.S. Department of Energy 3013storage systems for the case of an accidental explosion of evolvedgas within the storage containers. Three experimental fixtureswere used to examine the various issues and three mixtures consistingof either stoichiometric hydrogen-oxygen, stoichiometrichydrogen-oxygen with added nitrogen, or stoichiometric hydrogen-oxygen with an added nitrogen-helium mixture were tested.Tests were carried out as a function of initial pressure from 1 to3.5 bar and initial temperature from room temperature to 150°C.The elevated temperature tests resulted in a slight increase in thethreshold pressure for DDT. The elevated temperature tests wereperformed to ensure the test results were bounding. Because thechange was not significant, the elevated temperature data are notpresented in the paper. The explosions were initiated with eithera small spark or a hot surface. Based on the results of these testsunder the conditions investigated, it can be concluded that DDTof a stoichiometric hydrogen-oxygen mixture (and mixtures dilutedwith nitrogen and helium) within the 3013 containmentsystem does not pose a threat to the structural integrity of theouter container.
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