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In the field of nuclear material detection and characterization,Monte Carlo simulations provide valuable insight into complexradiation transport problems. However, in many applications, itis the detector response that is desired. MPPost is a FORTRANprogram that has been developed to interpret the results from theMonte Carlo code MCNPX-PoliMi and return a realistic predictionof the detector response. This program is an enhancedversion of an earlier MCNP-PoliMi post processor written inMatlab.1 The conversion to a FORTRAN based algorithm allowsMPPost to process much greater volumes of data that would beimpossible to handle with a Matlab based equivalent. This paperdescribes the development of MPPost and outlines its capabilities.MPPost was designed specifically for the MCNPX-PoliMi dataoutput file. This file consists of a comprehensive list of collisionevents that occur in each detector cell. The MPPost program usesthis summary of collision events to model the response in a detectorvolume. By characterizing the response of a detector with empiricallydetermined parameters, accurate simulation of the detector responseis obtained. In addition, the program can perform several commonanalysis techniques. These are described in this report.
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