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A continuing challenge to the analytical community is the quantificationof the concentrations of compounds, elements, and isotopesat ultra-trace levels in the presence of huge quantities ofcompeting species. Nuclear material processing, waste remediation,and nuclear nonproliferation applications all need this capability.Recent progress in micro-fluidics, nanofabrication, andfar field nanoscopic velocimetry1 have provided the underlyingscience foundations for developing a high-fidelity nanoscale Labon-a-Chip2,3 sensors for the detection of ions and radionuclides.Understanding the science and technology of nanofluidics andnanofabrication would provide for sensor devices with ultra-highsensitivity, selectivity, and low cost. Savannah River NationalLaboratory (SRNL) in collaboration with the University of SouthCarolina (USC) is developing a program for fluidic sensors withthe objectives of applying novel concepts based on electrokineticsand electrophoresis principles to develop a high sensitive detectionsystem based on nanofluidics. The fundamental of thescience of micro-to-nano fluidics based measurement techniquesprovides an opportunity to precisely control experimental conditionfor fast assay with unprecedented experimental capabilityfor exploration in sensor technology. Microfluidic systems enableparallel operation for multiple assays with small amounts ofsamples and can be employed for sample pre-concentration (upto 106-108 fold) allowing detection of trace quantities of ions ormaterials, such as verification of trace Pu in aqueous system. Theproposed concept can be applied to the measurement of specialnuclear materials (SNM) in aqueous solutions, for example, duringadvanced fuel-cycle reprocessing or mixed oxide fuel plutoniumpurification (aqueous polishing). The ability to verify theSNM content on aqueous processes will enhance material accountabilityand verification technology.This paper is intended to identify and highlight the presentstate of research in the nanofluidics field and discusses possibledirection of development with focus in safeguard needs. Adescription of nanofluidic field and example of applicability inareas of safeguards are highlighted.
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