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The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) initiated an R&Dproject focused on the maturation of nuclear forensics technologyfrom 2011. This project includes the development ofa prototype national nuclear forensics library (NNFL), and theJAEA participated in the first international tabletop exercise ofNNFL Galaxy Serpent, held by the International Technical WorkingGroup as a part of our NNFL development project. In thispaper, the JAEA investigation during the tabletop exercise isdescribed and the information gathered from the experienceis discussed in detail: A model NNFL of spent nuclear fuels(SNFs) including one boiling water reactor (BWR) and two pressurizedwater reactors (PWR-1 and PWR-2) was completed inthe first phase of the exercise. In the second phase, by usingisotope correlation comparison technique and principal componentanalysis it was found that a seized nuclear material wasdefinitely consistent with the SNF of PWR-2. Furthermore, thelessons learned from these exercises will be effectively appliedto the further development of the NNFL at JAEA. Finally, weinclude a brief update on the current status of the NNFL developmentproject at JAEA.
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