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The shipment of non-irradiated PWR uranium fuel assemblies (including enriched reprocessed uranium or ERU) from the fabrication facility to power plants will be performed using the new ANF-18 transport container. The ANF-18 container design fully meets the requirements of the IAEA Safety Standards Series, No. TS-R-1 (ST-1, Revised) [1] for transportation by road, rail and sea. The required tests in accordance with the IAEA standards have already been completed for the ANF- 18 transport container. The criticality analyses have been performed, the safety analysis report prepared and approval applied for. It is expected that containers of this design will go into service in the course of 2002. All drop and fire tests for the ANF-18 container were performed at the test site of the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) in Lehre, Germany.