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TN®24 E, a new package design, was developed and applied for by Areva TN for German transport approval certificate. The certificate was issued by BfS, Federal Office for Radiation Protection, on 24th of July 2013. The package is designed as a dual purpose cask for transport and storage of up to 21 PWR spent fuel assemblies from German NPPs. BAM is the German competent authority responsible for the design assessment of RAM packages regarding mechanical and thermal safety cases, activity release analysis and all issues of quality assurance during manufacturing and operation of packages. Certain assessment experiences as well as new developments resulting from the BAM TN®24E approval procedure are presented. The mechanical safety case of the TN®24E is based mainly on finite element calculations, which were verified by the TN®81 1/3 scale drop test program performed at BAM. Thermal analyses rely upon calculations, while the activity release criterion is based upon leakage rate results of TN®81 drop tests. The BAM-GGR 012 guideline for the analysis of bolted lid and trunnion systems has been fully implemented. Due to requirements by BAM, AREVA TN developed a new assessment strategy for fracture mechanical evaluation of welding seams. The material qualification and documentation is also an important aspect of BAM assessment; the qualification of borated aluminum basket material, the determination of strength values for thermal aged hardened aluminum alloys for the basket or consideration of high burn-up fuel assemblies are remarkable issues in this context. In addition, the consideration of the material compatibility, especially taking into account a transport after 40 years of dry interim storage in German facilities, has gained significant importance in the licensing process of the TN®24E. Next to obvious mechanical issues such as the assessment of shell ovalization under 9 m drop test scenario and its impact on basket load, thermo-mechanical interactions had to be addressed in the safety case. Due to BAM requirements, AREVA TN performed a full thermo-mechanical analysis of the cask behavior under fire test conditions.