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A drop test of a spent fuel package with transport frame was performed. The drop height was 7.8m and the target was reinforced concrete floor. Drop tests of spent fuel packages without impact limiters were performed. The drop heights were 1.5, 5.0 and17m and the target was a reinforced concrete floor. Dynamic crash tests simulating accidental drop of heavy object onto a spent fuel transport/storage package without impact limiters were performed. The heavy object was a slab made of reinforced concrete. The drop heights were 5 to 17m. A thermal test was performed using a spent fuel package specimen. During the thermal test in a furnace, the environmental temperature increased up to 1000 ?. An immersion test under a head of water at 3000 m for one hour was performed. The specimens were packages of spent fuel and high level wastes. In all the cases, the integrity of the specimens was maintained.