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This poster is given up to concept of a new generation of dual-purpose transport casks (transport and temporary storage) with advanced safety. According to this concept the basic cask, which intended for transportation and temporary storage of spent fuel elements of the VVER-type reactors, there is a capability to produce the dual-purpose packages for spent fuel of all types of the Russian and foreign power reactors. At the expense of minor adaptations of such cask it is possible to execute operations with spent fuel elements having the wide range of burnup and storage period in pool, and also with fuel elements inclusive mixed uraniumplutonium fuel. Due to use of high-strength alloy on a base of depleted uranium for the gamma shield it is possible to create the cask which can be conveyed by railway and motor transport, and in some cases even by air. The siloxane rubber is used for secure fulfillment of all neutron protection requirements. Calculations and experiments have shown that such casks will meet to all IAEA safety requirements in the different operating conditions, accidents and also at probable terrorist effect. The industrial production technology of such casks was developed and tested during manufacturing of the cask model (scale 1:5). The estimation of an economic efficiency of the creation of such casks production on one Russian plant was carried out. It was shown that the investments should be paid back within the first three years.