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The 3013 containers are designed in accordance with the DOESTD-3013-20041 and are qualified to store plutonium (Pu) bearingmaterials for fifty years. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)certified Model 9975 shipping package is used to transport the3013 containers to the K Area Material Storage (KAMS) facilityat the Savannah River Site (SRS) and to store the containers untilthe plutonium can be properly dispositioned. Detailed thermalanalyses to support the storage in the KAMS facility are given inReferences 2, 3, and 4. The analyses in this paper serve to providenon accident condition, non bounding, specific 3013 containertemperatures for use in the surveillance activities. This paper presentsa methodology where critical component temperatures areestimated using numerical methods over a range of package andstorage parameters. The analyses include factors, such as ambientstorage temperature and the content weight, density, heat generationrate, and fill height, that may impact the thermal responseof the packages. Statistical methods are used to develop algebraicequations for ease of computations to cover the factor space. Allcomputations were performed in BTU FT-Hr-°F units.
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