Russian Experience in Development/Upgrades of Physical Protection Systems for Nuclear Materials and Facilities Alexander

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Alexander Izmaylov - State Enterprise Eleron
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V-38_4.pdf1.37 MB
This paper deals with the Russian experience in the area of thephysical protection systems (PPS) development (improvement)for nuclear materials and facilities. The PPS life cycle is analyzed.Special emphasis is placed on a pre-design stage of the PPS developmentconnected with a vulnerability analysis, a PPS effectivenessassessment, and a conceptual design. It is pointed out thata wide range of high-efficiency security equipment integrated ina PPS for nuclear sites has been developed in Russia. Specialattention is given to the development of the Automated TransportationSecurity System (ATSS) and the State CorporationRosatom Information System designed to ensure monitoring ofthe PPS operation at Rosatom sites. Issues related to the trainingof personnel and professional improvement in the area of physicalprotection both at the national and international level are emphasized.This paper has been produced based on the proceedingsused by the author in his presentation on the 21st InternationalTraining Course in Albuquerque in April 2009.
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