Multi-attribute Evaluation and Choice of Alternatives for Surplus Weapons-grade Plutonium Disposition Using Utility Function at Functional Dependence of Weighting Factors

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V. V. Kosterev V. V. Kosterev - National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Y. V. Semenova - National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
V. V. Bolyatko - National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
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Among the major problems of nuclear power are the problems ofrecycling, safe long-term storage, and the management of nuclearmaterials. The greatest concern is caused by significant stocks ofweapons-grade plutonium, where choosing the method of its dispositioncan be formalized as a multi-attribute problem of selectingone of thirteen possible alternatives.One of the main goals of the multi-attribute utility functionanalysis is the investigation of the different combinations ofassumptions and performance weights for the purpose of ranking.An additive multi-attribute utility model is most often usedin practice, and weights are initially assumed to be constants. Insome cases, it may be appropriate to have weights depending onthe attribute satisfaction performance value.Investigations of several versions of weighting functions forevaluating and choosing alternatives for the surplus weaponsgradeplutonium disposition were performed.A sensitivity analysis was performed to explore the robustnessof the rankings relative to changes in the weights in moredetail. This series of sensitivity analyses indicated that the rankingof the alternatives is relatively insensitive to changes in theweighting factors over reasonable ranges.Using weighting functions enlarges the possibilities of themulti-attribute evaluation, making it possible to consider, for example,decision-maker preferences for different alternatives.
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