The Hungarian Experience in the Galaxy Serpent Tabletop Exercise on National Nuclear Forensics Libraries

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va Kovcs-Szles - Hungarian Academy of Science
Sndor Szab - Hungarian Academy of Science
Tam Cong Nguyen - Hungarian Academy of Science
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The Centre for Energy Research, Hungary, participated inRound 3 of the Galaxy Serpent virtual tabletop exercise (TTX).In the round of this TTX, four samples from a hypotheticalspent nuclear fuel (SNF) seizure had to be identified using databasesoriginating from three reactors based on SFCOMPO, anexisting public domain international database of spent nuclearfuel originated from light-water reactors. The Hungarian Teamcreated a model national nuclear forensic library (NNFL) usingcorrelations of isotopes/total U vs. burnup. These correlationswere treated as unique for each reactor and would be relevantfor identification. Comparison for SNF was applied to determinewhether or not the seized material was consistent withthe data in the NNFL. Some conclusions are given r
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