Beyond Human Capital Development: Balanced Safeguards Workforce Metrics and the Next Generation Safeguards Workforce

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Roberta Burbank - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Sarah Frazar - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Travis Gitau - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Jason Shergur - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Melissa Scholz - U.S. Department of Energy
Halvor Undem - University of Washington
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Since its establishment in 2008, the Next Generation SafeguardsInitiative (NGSI) has achieved a number of objectivesunder its five pillars: concepts and approaches, policy developmentand outreach, international nuclear safeguards engagement,technology development, and human capital development(HCD). As a result of these efforts, safeguards havebecome much more visible as a critical U.S. national securityinterest across the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) complex.However, limited budgets have subsequently created challengesin a number of areas. Arguably, one of the more seriouschallenges involves NGSI’s ability to integrate entry-level staffinto safeguards projects. Laissez fair management of this issueacross the complex can lead to wasteful project implementationand endanger NGSI’s long-term sustainability. The authorsprovide a quantitative analysis of this problem, focusing on thedemographics of the current safeguards workforce and compoundingpressures to operate cost-effectively, transfer knowledgeto the next generation of safeguards professionals, andsustain NGSI investments.  
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