Australias Experiences in the Galaxy Serpent Virtual Tabletop Exercise

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Grant Griffiths - Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization
Elaine Loi - Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization
David Hill - Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization
Katherine L. Smith - Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization
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Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (ANSTO)Nuclear Security Research Program staff participated inthe International Technical Working Group on Nuclear Forensics(ITWG) Galaxy Serpent National Nuclear Forensics Library(NNFL) Virtual Tabletop Exercise. A model NNFL was establishedusing spent fuel composition data from three reactorscode-named Anthea-PWR (pressurised water reactor), Atlas-BWR (boiling water reactor) and Enceladus-BWR. The NNFLwas compared with an intercepted sample (Clio) using statisticalanalysis from basic Microsoft Excel chart tools to the morecomplex multivariate analysis. Our results indicated that theClio material was a suggestive negative match to have originatedfrom our Galaxy. The exercise provided valuable lessons inthe process of establishing an NNFL. These are fully discussedin the paper.
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