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Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
In view of an IAEA Safeguards implementation for nuclear materials, the Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) method has an…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
In this paper, we present our work to modernize tagging and sealing technologies for international safeguards applications. Our work…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
On April 28, 2005, four mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel assemblies (using surplus weapons-grade plutonium derived from the U.S. nuclear weapons…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
In the post 6M era, radioactive materials package users are faced with the disciplined operations associated with use of Certified Type B…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The International Panel on Climate Change projects that by 2050 the world energy demand may double. Although the primary focus for new…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The 235U enrichment of uranium items which are thick compared to the attenuation length of the 185.7 keV gamma ray can be determined…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Measurements on plutonium-oxide samples that are stored at the Performance Laboratory of the Joint Research Center (JRC) in Ispra were…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Special Nuclear Material (SNM) can either spontaneously fission, or be induced to do so. Either case results in neutron emission. Since…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
With the objective of improving the security and speed up the processing of the accounting information received at the Nuclear Regulatory…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
A popular way to determine the deadtime of passive neutron coincidence counters is to count a set of 252Cf sources ranging from weak to…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The challenge of accurately quantifying the plutonium content in spent nuclear fuel through pasive methods at reprocessing facilities has…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The work upon the model site was established at the 8-th session of the Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) held in March, 2006. The system…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The detection and identification of radiation sources at distances in the range of 15 meters or more is becoming increasingly important for…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
During the past few years, the need to link uranium ore (yellowcake) to a particular geologic/geographical location has become a critical…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Under a 2000 Plutonium Management and Disposition Agreement (PMDA), the United States and Russia committed to each dispose of no less than…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Broad-scope activities are currently underway to implement the modern measurement equipment and methodologies in material control and…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Since the formation of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), our mission has been to license civilian, peaceful uses of radioactive…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The U.S. Department of Energy is working with Russia’s Federal Atomic Energy Agency (Rosatom) to restructure Russia’s plutonium disposition…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
As part of a multibillion dollar effort to dispose of surplus U.S. weapons plutonium, the DOE/NNSA is building two facilities at the…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
A tamper-indicating device (TID), used in conjunction with appropriate procedures for control, accounting and surveillance, is a tool used…