Status of a PMDA Monitoring and Inspection Regime

Karyn Durbin - U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Guy Lunsford - U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Under a 2000 Plutonium Management and Disposition Agreement (PMDA), the United States and Russia committed to each dispose of no less than 34 MT of surplus weapon-grade plutonium. As part of the PMDA, the United States and Russia also agreed to develop a monitoring and inspections (M&I) regime to confirm that the terms and conditions of the PMDA are being met. U.S. and Russian experts have held many discussions on the development of an M&I regime that would be acceptable to both Parties. The sides are still negotiating the key elements of the M&I regime, and once these are agreed, U.S. and Russian representatives will meet with the International Atomic Energy Agency to discuss its possible role in monitoring and inspection activities. This paper will discuss some of the history surrounding the PMDA M&I negotiations and provide a status update.