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Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Ivan I. Andryushin, Eugeny V. Varseev, Gennady M. Pshakin
There is now intense national and international attention to the risks of nuclear terrorism. The possibilities that terrorist groups might…
Author(s):Adrian E. Mndez-Torres, Poh-Sang Lam
A continuing challenge to the analytical community is the quantificationof the concentrations of compounds, elements, and isotopesat ultra-…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Alexander V. Izmaylov, N.N. Shemigon, Melinda Lane, Vladimir Babkin, Patricia O'Brien, Troy Wright, Dmitry Kovchegin
This paper describes issues related to upgrading the physical protection regulatory basis for Rosatom State Corporation sites. It is…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Kurt R. Eberl, P. S. Blanton, Linda Paschal
An air-transport Type A Fissile radioactive shipping package for the transport of special form uranium sources has been developed by the…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Dina Chernikova, Vadim Romodanov
In connection with current safety and complexity limitations for installations which use keV neutrons for irradiation in the fresh and…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Michio Seya, Masatoshi Kureta, Kazuhiko Soyama, Akira Ohzu, Mitsuo Haruyama, Kaoru Sakasai
Alternative techniques to neutron detection by Helium-3 for nuclear security and safeguards systems are necessary to be developed since…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Vlad Henzl, M. Swinhoe, Stephen J. Tobin
A key objective of the Next Generation Safeguards Initiative (NGSI) is to utilize non-destructive assay (NDA) techniques to determine the…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Brian Gullett
The Y-12 National Security Complex (Y-12) has been aggressively working to support the National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA)…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Jeffrey Hawley
Computer modeling and simulation can be a tool used within many of the competencies of nuclear physical security in order to provide…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):E.D. Sword, S.M. McConchie
Neutron transmission measurements are a valuable tool for nondestructively imaging special nuclear materials. Analysis of these images,…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):William Brunsdon, A.V. Izmaylov, Gerald Thomas, Yuri Davydov
The physical protection of nuclear material (NM) during transportation is one of the most complicated and demanding tasks. The paper…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Howard Menlove, Martyn T. Swinhoe, Karen A. Miller, Johnna B. Marlow, Masanori Kawabata, Taketeru Nagatani, Koki Tomine
The Improved Plutonium Canister Assay System 2 (IPCA 2) is a nondestructive assay system designed to measure incoming canisters of bulk…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Gunnar Boström, Vítor Sequeira, Paul Meylemans, Valentí Canadell Bofarull
3D Laser scanning technology has been increasingly applied in recent years for different types of safeguards applications; such as the…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Benjamin B. Cipiti
Electrochemical reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel has seen renewed interest in the U.S. and elsewhere as a potential alternative to…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Laura S. Williams, Kyle Bunch, A. Mark Jones, Pradeep Ramuhalli
The 2010 ratification of the New START Treaty has been widely regarded as a noteworthy national security achievement for both the Obama…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Yung Y. Liu, Ronald B. Pope, Jim Shuler
The World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS) and the World Nuclear Transport Institute (WNTI) have issued an International Best Practice…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Bassam A. Khuwaileh, Mohammad Khasawneh, Mostafa Z. Ali
An android-based system is developed for radiation evasion in nuclear facilities. The application is based on a navigation algorithm having…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Larry E. Fischer, Gerald C. Mok, Brian L. Anderson, M.F. DeMicco
Flow forming, an advanced version of metal spinning, is becoming a popular technique for the fabrication of containers for the storage and…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Author(s):Therese Renis, Johan Dackner, W. Kahnmeyer, David Hatt, Herbert Dratschmidt
One aspect of the IAEA’s State-level concept is reliance on the support of State and Regional authorities in implementing safeguards while…
Author(s):Adrian E. Mndez-Torres, M. J. Martnez-Rodrguez, K. Brinkman, D. Krementz
This work investigates the synthesis of smart functional coatings(SFC) using chemical solution deposition methods. Chemical…