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Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Understanding the behaviour of the operational parameters of nuclear reactors allow the development of improved analytical models to…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
In recent years, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has pursued innovative techniques and an integrated suite of safeguards…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Amongst the Non-Destructive Assay methods for spent fuel verifications being studied at the Belgian nuclear research centre, SCK•CEN, the…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
The UK nuclear decommissioning priority is to reduce risk and hazard and to deliver the clean-up mission cost effectively. This is…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
The United States (U.S.) framework for security and control of radioactive sources requires multijurisdictional coordination. Specifically…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
In passive non-destructive assay, estimation of sample parameters is traditionally based on multiplicity counting using neutron detectors…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Spent fuel was assumed to be stored at away from reactor by dual purpose metal casks. These casks will be transported from nuclear power…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Development of national regulations supporting nuclear materials control and accounting and physical protection is important part of…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
A project to research the application of non-destructive assay (NDA) to spent fuel assemblies is underway among a team comprised of the…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Safeguards applications, control of fissile materials and warhead verification all rely or will likely rely to a certain extent on neutron…
Neutron Spectrum Unfolding with 4He Fast Neutron Detectors Using An Iterative Least Squares Approach
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Time-of-flight measurements were performed to determine the 4He pressurized gas fast neutron detectors response function and the the…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Neutron detection technologies are at the forefront of the effort to support objectives of the interdiction, search, and characterization…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Solid objects that are not radioactive by themselves but contaminated by radioactive material on their surface may be classified for…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
TN International has vast experience in domestic (in France) and international transport of used fuel assemblies. Up to 2,400 fuel…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Plutonium-238 produces heat as it decays and can be used to power systems that require high power density and independence from external…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
IAEA safeguards is struggling with a financial challenge: regular budget is stagnating while new member states plan to include nuclear…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is a useful microanalytical method to exploit isotopic signatures present in enrichment facilities…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
As part of the ongoing Next Generation Safeguards Initiative Human Capital Development (HCD) Roadmap study, the National Nuclear Security…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Weconsidertheuseofgametheoryinanarmscontrolinspectionplanningscenario.Specifically we develop a case study that games the number of…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Ulba Metallurgical Plant JSC (UMP JSC) is one of the largest in the world utility which pro- duces Uranium fuel for nuclear power…