Neutron Spectrum Unfolding with 4He Fast Neutron Detectors Using An Iterative Least Squares Approach

T. Massey - Ohio University
Rico Chandra - Artkis Radiation Detectors
Yinong Liang - University of Florida, Nuclear Engineering Program
Time-of-flight measurements were performed to determine the 4He pressurized gas fast neutron detectors response function and the the ability of the detectors to perform neutron spectrum unfolding. An experimentally validated neutron energy response function was used in conjunction with an iterative least squares unfolding technique to unfold the continuous Maxwellian spectrum from a 252Cf source, a PuBe source spectrum, and a D-D neutron generator spectrum. The results were compared to similar unfolding efforts with other neutron detectors, and will be used for nuclear non-proliferation and spent nuclear fuel monitoring by discerning (a,n) and fission source fraction of the measured spectra.