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Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Safeguards and Security Technology Group uses seven evaluation criteria for tamper indicating device (TID…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
The transport of spent fuel in type B fissile packages is done dry, without the presence of water in the package. This measure relates to…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
To assess the feasibility of using the TN 7-2 cask for the transport of MOX fuel rods from a prototype fast reactor, a criticality analysis…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is an effective tool for assessing packages used to transport Radioactive Materials (RAM) in normal operation…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
In this study, crushing characteristics of rigid polyurethane form (R-PUF) were obtained, and applicability of R-PUF as shock absorbing…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The purpose of this project is to promote the transparency of the nuclear activities and to strengthen the cooperation as well as advance…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
On March 11, 2011, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station lost all power sources due to the earthquake and the subsequent tsunami that…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
The ENUN 24P dual-purpose metal cask has been adapted from the ENUN cask series concept developed by Ensa, to fulfil specific spent fuel…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Cyber security is the body of technologies, processes and practices designed to protect networks, computers, programs and data from attack…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Already the dominant source of clean energy, nuclear power is growing at a rapid pace. While beneficial to a world confronting climate…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
In order to improve the ability to detect, locate, track and identify nuclear/radiological threats, the University of Florida nuclear…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Slight dissension of cladding on unvented plutonium-238 oxide heat sources has been observed, and the origin of the distention investigated…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
It is a phenomenon that impact load applied onto lid from content with a gap between content and lid could be several times as larger as…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The analytical method involving irradiation of swipe samples potentially containing trace quantities of fissile material in a thermal…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Due to the accident at Tokyo Electric Power Company’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, radioactive materials were detected in sewage…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
The 3S by Design (3SBD) concept is designed to capture, and potentially optimize, interrelationships between the safety, security, and…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
Dounreay Site Restoration Limited (DSRL) is proposing to use a new shielded waste container TRU-Shield for the packaging and disposal of…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
The ENsa UNiversal ENUN 24P is a dual purpose metal cask developed by Ensa for dry storage and transportation of up to 24 PWR non-damaged,…
Type:Annual Meeting Proceedings
Template-based analysis has emerged as a popular candidate method for treaty verification applications. This technique is useful in a wide…
Type:PATRAM Proceedings
In Japan, the first interim spent fuel storage facility away-from-reactor (AFR) will start its operation for management of spent fuels…